Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Google Adsense Tips Your Blogs

One of the easiest ways to attract visitors to your blog, even if they are across the globe is by using google adsense. This article is designed to give you some solid google adsense tips. There are many google adsense secrets you should know about. You only need to create your blog and submit it to google for approval. If google likes what they see, they will place a contextual ad that links to products that are likely to appeal to the people who are reading your blog. When a reader clicks on that link the advertiser pays google a small fee and good will split that fee with you. This information should prove valuable to you.

You can make money with google adsense. The best google adsense tip will be shown to you. There is definitely good money that can be made if you know the google adsense secret. You want to follow all the rules exactly that are mentioned by the adsense policies. If you play it on the positive side, you will make more money. You also should never change the google adsense HTML code. Don't be one of those people to ask your friends and all your relatives to click on your google ads. Don't promise anything to users if they click on the ads either. Never label the google ads with text that says anything other than "sponsored links" or "advertisements".

Another good google adsense tip is please don't click on the ads on that are on your page. Google has prepared for this, and will know if you are reloading your pages more than you should be. An unofficial google adsense sandbox tool is there to use if you are testing your site. It is accessible from Firefox, IE and other browsers that will look to see what kind of google ads will be served to you. You also never want to put an ad in a pop-up window or in error pages. Not even on empty pages. You don't want to put something on a page just to try to make money on an accidental click. You won't make enough money. Write about things in your blog that you feel very strongly about.

Please don't waste your money on google adsense keyword lists that cost a lot of money. When you have a short article, you will find better results if the ads are placed above the content. When it is a long article, you have better success if the ad is somewhere in the middle of the content. As the reader is done reading information they will want to search for more. This is a very useful google adsense tip. You will make more money if you follow these steps that have been a google adsense secret.

Tricks To Increase Google Adsense Ctr

This is the first part of two series of articles about How to Increase Your Google Adsense CTR. Many people think that they just have to copy and paste Google Adsense code into their website and start earning a huge amount of money from it. What a huge mistake! I also thought the same way two years ago. Later I realized that without optimization, that's impossible. Here I will share all of the tricks to increase my Google Adsense CTR that I found within the last two years.
Here are some tips to increase your Google Adsense CTR:
Make sure the ads that are appearing on your site are closely related with your content. This is the first thing you have to do because if your ads are not relevant, there's small possibility that people will click on them. Then, what should you do to tackle this problem? Here are the tips:
oCreate a keyword rich content. I suggest you creating one topic a page.
oCheck your keyword rich content and then mark some of your keywords as bold or italic. But don't do it too much, just do it 1 2 times per page. Otherwise, Google assumes you are doing spamming.
oUse your keyword in your page title.
oUse HTML Tag H1 as your content title, and put your keyword in it. Don't forget to place this tag at the beginning of your content.
oIf all those tips still do not work, there is just one possibility: there are no ads that matched with your keyword! You can check this out by using this marvelous tool from the Digital Point Website. It is called the Google Adsense Sandbox.
You'll be asked to enter your selected keyword and it will display every Adsense ads that's connected with that keyword. What if your suspicion is correct? Change your keyword! Do not worry; sometimes you just have to change one or two words.
Use wide ads (336x280, 300x250 or 250x250). Because these are the best performing ads.
Blend your ads with your website themes. For example, if your background color is white, change your ads border and background color to white as well. If your background color is dark (black), use bright color such as yellow as link color. This will decrease user ad-blindness.
Place your Google Adsense in these positions:
oAbove the fold
Above the fold is the top position of your page that's visible without your visitor having to scroll down. This is the best location that works for me. I place 336x280 ad unit in this location and it works very well. Why? Okay, back to our example. Your article is about "how to bake delicious bread". Someone finds it from search engine; when he opens it, he first sees ads about "baking school", "baking book" or "bread recipes". Who won't be interested?
oIn the middle of an article.
This works well if your article is long (more than 500 words). People tend to stop for a while and look for something different while they read. I suggest using rectangular ads (125x125, 180x150, 300x250, 336x280, 250x250 ad unit) for this purpose and make it left justified.
oAt the end of an article.
Many people reported that placing Google Adsense ads at the end of their article tends to work very well. This is because when people finish reading an interesting article, they usually think "okay, what's next?" That's your chance! By placing Google Adsense ads at the end of this article, people will spend a minute to read it and then (maybe) click it. For example, you write an article about "how to bake delicious bread". And at the end of it, there are some ads about "bread recipes". Who won't be interested?
Regarding the fourth tip, I don't recommend you placing three ad units in a single page. From my experience, the number of ad unit you place in a single page doesn't affect your CTR. In fact, I even found that placing three text ads in a single page make my ads "unblended". For example, I put 160x600, 468x60 and 336x280 ads on a single page. You know what? My 468x60 ads only showed 3 ads in it, whereas my 336x280 ads only showed 2 ads in it! My suggestion is: use 1 2 ad unit and a single link unit on your page (Google allows 3 ad unit and 1 link unit to be placed on a single page).
Always use Link Unit! Many people never realize that Link Unit is the most profitable format if put in the right place. Try to place it near your navigation menu. People will misidentify it as a navigation menu and automatically read it. If your ads are closely relevant to your content, there's big possibility they will click it. I move the top navigation in one of my websites to the bottom section and replace it with 728x15 Link Unit Ads. You know what? My Google Adsense CTR increased by 200%!
Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com

Google Adsense-5 Rock Solid Tips To Make More Money.

Google adsense is proving to be probably the number one method of making money on the internet.
Visit nearly any website today and you will see an array of Google Adsense ads being displayed.
But if youre interested in displaying Google Adsense ads on your website how can you be sure that you are making the most return from your website visitors.

Let me tell you my five top tips to increase your Google Adsense income.

Tip one.

Use articles on your website that are of interest to your targeted market. Original articles written by yourself are best, however if you are not keen on writing why not look at obtaining some Private Label Rights articles. Most important issue here being to modify the articles extensively to make them original to you and not risk duplicated content issues.

Tip two.

Keep your web page layout simple and don't include links to other products or services, which could distract your visitors from clicking on your Google Adsense ads. Remember this strategy is to increase your Adsense revenue, if you want to promote an affiliate product design a webpage with just your product links on and remove any adsense ads.

Tip three.

Design your Adsense ads to blend in with the background colour of your webpage and also position them in the most profitable positions available. You can get a clear idea of this layout by clicking on my website link below.

Tip four.

Keep track of your visitors and the income they produce to your website, you can do this by creating a channel in the Google Adsense backoffice. Again remember, that if your website is not producing a decent income then you need to look at different subject matters, subjects of interest that people want to read more about and are willing to visit your website in order to read more.

Tip five.

Traffic generation is the real key to success and without visitors to your website you wont make any money. This fifth tip is a complete subject on its own and I will be producing further articles on this subject which you will be able to read by visiting my website below.

I will be adding regular articles on all these subjects and more over the next few days and months so it realy will be worth a visit to see what tips and ideas you can use to increase your Google Adsense income.

Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com

Are You Afraid Of Technology? Me Too...

There comes a point in every persons life when they must decide the all important question of our time...will I get on the new technology train or will I be left at the station? The early arguments against technology were always best on its inherent lack of performance. Computers were gigantic an although they had calculating power the average nine year old could easily out perform your room size processor. Moore's law changed all of that.

In 1965 Gordon Moore published a paper in which he noticed an incredible trend in computing power; it was doubling every two years. Did others notice before Moore? Possibly but the law is named after him because he published first...tough luck to others. The trend started in 1958 when the integrated circuit board was first created and has held steady to this very day. I've debated with a few who still believe Moore was a whack job...but let's face it history is really on his side and so is the data. Don't believe me? Check out THIS graph proving the point up to 2008.

What does all of this mean for technology? It means roughly every two years or so not only are our computers and technological devices faster but they are also cheaper. Two decades ago people weren't buying gigantic and over-priced iPod models to carry around in their backpacks. There just wasn't the size or price comparability available to make something like an iPod plausible for the open market. So as Moore's law marches on so too does our new technology. At every turn new phones, mp3 players, media devices, and computers are getting smaller, faster, and more complex. Why are all of these things getting so hard to use?

The simple answer is that as computer chips get faster and smaller more powerful software applications are able to run on these new technological systems. In other words there are more and more applications possible now then every before because of the computing power available to modern computers. Truthfully our processor speed has always remained miles ahead of software capability. There has yet to be a piece of software that has used the full potential of its processor.

One final thing adds to this picture of chaos; culture. Technology has overrun our culture as a whole. There is NO part of our culture that is unaffected by new technology, computers, or Moore's law. Everything you use has circuits and transistors. The world wide web has made culture develop even faster as humanity has instant access to each other through "the great computer." I can immediately see what my brother in New York has just started doing and copy him starting a chain reaction that could affect millions when it is done.

Culture is extremely hard to follow because it changes so rapidly and many fads pass in a day and are forgotten tomorrow. Case in point remember the Numa Numa video? Probably not, it was an random internet phenomena that faded into the fortnight never to be heard of again...but at the time this video received close to 30 million views! 30 million!

So in the midst of the minefield that is new technology with its ever changing software that must be constantly relearned and reapplied, its constant change in devices due to size and speed, and it's finicky swirling faddish culture how could anyone not loose their head? As much as I luv (text talk...ok I know that was a low blow) technology most days I wake up hoping things will stay the same while other days I spend so much time trying to keep up that I feel like I'm on the whirly wheel of death and it will never stop!

So to finish I'd like to answer two questions. First, is it worth it? Is it really worth to keep changing with technology and keep upgrading with the times? Secondly, how is it possible to stay new technology savvy and still keep your head (or your lunch)?

I'd like to start by saying a resounding YES! It is worth it! When you learn to use established technology properly it will not only change your life but it will make it better and more exciting in ways you never thought possible. Case in point; my grandmother recently discovered Facebook. She loves her grand-kids but we are busy people (and hate the phone...at least my brother and I do) so how can she stay in touch and keep up with us? Facebook!

She has instant access to pretty much everything that is going on in our lives and instant communication lines that are non-threatening and easy to return meaning more communication from her loved ones, everyone is a winner. Certainly it took some time for her to learn but she is heavily reaping the benefits of being an internet savvy grandma. When you take the time to learn how to use well established new technology it will pay you back with multiplying rewards. The time it takes to learn you will easily gain back with the proper use of its functions.

So the long awaited answer to my second question. Before I answer it is imperative that you commit to part one. If you aren't committed to the benefit of technology there is no point in reading this part. So how do we stay afloat in the rising tide of new technology? It's simple...stay behind it. That's right I said stay behind it. Don't be on the cutting edge and don't be on the utter extinction. Right in the middle is a nice safe place full of well weathered working and supported technology that will make your life better but not give you a headache.

For example let me share a personal mistake of mine. When the trend for flat screen monitors started I went out and bought a brand new one (big mistake) I was ahead of the curve for about a year. Do you know what happened next? Wide-screen became the new standard and by standard box screen was outdated forever! If only I had waited another year I would have reaped two rewards. One, I would have gotten the true standard for monitors making my new technology last much longer and two I could have benefited from a dramatic price drop!

I hope you get the point I'm making. Keep up with the latest tech trends (you can easily do this here at StreamingGeek.com) but don't "pull the trigger" until the trend becomes established and prices drop. This will give you a lower price and also helpful advice from people who have been using that technology for a couple years ahead of you. They pay the price in time and money so that you don't have to! Hope this helps tame the new technology beast for you.